Silent Reverie

A look into the ramblings of an otherwise dull girl.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Those people who own my house

Londlords. Why do they think that just because they "own" the property you live in, they can come in whenever they want? And even when they do call first, it's always akward. It's like, "Hi, I don't know you. In fact, from what I do know about you, I don't even like you very much. But hey, come on in and snoop around. Do whatever you'd like... After all, it _is_ your house."

Fuck that. I live here not them.

And why do we always feel the need to "tidy up" beforehand? I mean, I pay these assholes for the privelege of having a roof over my head. It's not like they could tell me to go clean my room or anything. They're not my fucking parents.

So why do I give a shit if they think I'm a slob? As long as I'm not so disgusting that I'm attracting insects which will infect the neighbors attached to me, they can't say a damned thing... It just clothes laying around.

I can't believe I care so much about what these people think of me when I've only seen them a total of 4 times in the year and a half that I've lived here. What's wrong with me?

I think I just feel violated and judged whenever they're here. And I hate that. Even more, I hate the fact that these particular landlords think it's okay to come by while I'm at work without calling first...and then not even tell me that they were here.

What if my boyfriend and I had wild sex on the living room floor last night and left our clothes, that we ripped off one another, in the exact spot where they fell? Then, we passed out from exhaustion & the next morning didn't have time to clean up before going to work. What if the landlord chose THAT day to come over unannounced and sees my juice-stained underware lying on the floor? I'd be mortified.

Fuck them. I need to buy my own house.


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