Silent Reverie

A look into the ramblings of an otherwise dull girl.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Life in a few words...

I don't know why I haven't written in a while. I guess I've just been busy. Life tends to get in the way sometimes of what you really want to do. But it doesn't matter. No one reads this anyway. Hell, I rarely even go back and read my own entries. They're way to fresh for reminiscing, and they're not interesting enough to draw me back for fun. Perhaps I should work on that...

So, I'm buying a house. (My first EVER!) And it's LOTS of work and stress. But so much fun at the same time! Knowing that when we finally get in, it will be ours... I can't wait! I need to slow down and reign myeslf in though... I have about 5,000 ideas of ways to change / decorate the place and I haven't even moved in yet. I think I'll write them down and draw scetches of the ideas in my head... At least that will help to stop my mind from racing, if nothing else.

Well, off to pay bills. Yippee!!


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