Silent Reverie

A look into the ramblings of an otherwise dull girl.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Like clockwork

Frustration does not quite cover the feeling of wanting a baby and, for some reaon unknown to anyone, being unable to conceive. I've read many articles & testimonials from other women, all which say that it is quite normal for it to take a long, long time to become pregnant.

Technically speaking, it makes sense. Have you ever read up on ALL the steps & processes that must be in place for a sperm to reach an egg? It's a wonder anyone EVER gets pregnant. The timing must be PERFECT!

Still... it's hard to believe when so many people around me are getting pregnant by "accident." Truly makes me believe that every life is precious and every baby conceived deserves to be born. Makes me hate people who have abortions.

Though my boyfriend and I have been trying for quite some time now, my period still comes every month. It's more depressing than I can tell you. Nonetheless, I am trying to count my blessings. Some people weren't blessed with regular periods. And mine are as regular as they get. Literally... I can count the days on a calendar and tell exactly what day I'll get my next period. Lo and behold, like clockwork, there it is on the exact day predicted.

What this tells me is that my reproductive system is healthy and there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to have a child some day. And my boyfriend already has a child from his first marriage, so we know his stuff works... It's just a matter of time, I guess.

And patience. Lots and lots of patience!


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