Silent Reverie

A look into the ramblings of an otherwise dull girl.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Dreams of fluency

Okay, so I want to learn Portuguese but the local colleges don't offer it. Do those language CD-ROM things actually work? I don't want to buy one and then be totally frustrated when I don't learn a damned thing...

My boyfriend's family is from Angola and Portuguese is their native language. Lately they don't seem to feel the need to translate for me anymore when the whole family is together. I don't know if they just forget or if they assume that I understand more than I do. Since I've been around for almost 3 years, they seem to think that I'll pick it up by osmosis.

Sorry, but that doesn't seem to be working for me. And I can't help but feel left out at holiday meals.

I studied French all through school and now I'm kicking myself in the ass for not taking Spanish. It would be much more helpful, although I'm beginning to realize that Portuguese is sort-of a combination of the two - French / Spanish. The vocabulary is more similar to Spanish but they have several sounds that are used in French and not in Spanish - get it?

In any case, I've tried learning from them but it frustrates the hell out of me. One day I'll be able to get the gist of a whole converstaion (progress!) and then the next they will speak faster than any human ought to and I can't distinguish a single fucking word! We've talked about taking a trip someday to Angola so that I can meet the extended family but none of them speak English. And I know my boyfriend well enough to know that when he's around his family he will start talking and get so wrapped up that he'll forget to keep me informed of what's being discussed. No, if I want to interact with his family, I'll be on my own.

Don't get me wrong, I want him to enjoy time with his family & I don't think he should be made to feel guilty for speaking his native language. I'd just like to feel included. So I guess I have my work cut out for me.


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