Silent Reverie

A look into the ramblings of an otherwise dull girl.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

We got our first real snowfall of the season today. Okay, last night. And while the snow itself is beautiful and does wonders to put you in the Christmas spirit, it totally sucks ass when you're a responsible adult. What it meant for me was getting out of my warm, incredibly comfortable bed at 5am to shovel snow and scrape ice off my car. This, of course, before taking my shower, getting ready for the day, and driving to work.

Personally, I don't mind driving in the snow. I've never really had a problem navigating the streets and I don't freak out when my car's rear end fishtails a little bit. What I do mind are the SUV-driving assholes who think that just because they have a 4-wheel drive vehicle they are free to drive 70mph through otherwise treacherous roadways. Honestly, a vast majority of the accidents that I see during the winter involve SUV's.

Case in point: my co-worker just got a new vehicle a couple of months ago - a Hyundai Santa Fe. He couldn't wait for the first snowfall so that he could see how well the 4-wheel drive worked. He slid into a tree. Twice.


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